New version - 1.65v GTalk, XMPP, Xabber, Mono

Last modification: 2013-11-17 14:38:38

This versions brings so mutch anticipated posibility to see notifications about new chats directly from XMPP supported apps.


  1. XMPP Support, you can just configure XMPP and install Xabber on your Android phone or Monal on IPhone and start to receive a new chat requests. You do not have to be online all the time, you can configure your online hours in department now also.
  2. Department online hours, you can set then chat should be online automatically by week days and hours. You can also set after how many seconds new chat callback should be executed.
  3. New chat request callback option. This will allow for users implement other handlers like SMS notification etc.
  4. Notification about new chats either using XMPP or mail. Clicking link in mail will lead you automatically to chat.
  5. Statistic page will show how many total up-votes or downvotes has received an operator.


  1. Install script will show precise error.
  2. Avoid language confusion in other siteaccess than site_admin.

execute doc/update_db/update_47.sql for update

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